Creative College Counseling & Academic Advising
Education ReInspired
We help students find their voice so they can be bold agents in shaping their future.
Our support goes far beyond crafting a thoughtful application and finding the right college. Our holistic and individualized counseling combines customized sessions, critical thinking, and self-reflection to help students meaningfully explore their educational and future paths.
We believe that students need to better understand who they are and what they value before making important life decisions.
Available for either individual or small group sessions, our curriculum challenges students to grapple with nuanced questions around identity, choice, values, voice, and agency. We carefully address future planning, but above all, our model includes tailored academic and personal support that builds confidence, resilience, self-awareness, and grit.
We customize our advising to meet the needs of your student or group
Available for students in 9th-12th grade
Flexible Start Dates
Core Topics:
College Counseling
Academic Coaching
Educational Advising & Enrichment
Career & Future Planning
College Prep Boot Camps
Designed for students who wants to get ahead on their college, career, and future planning
Available for students in 9th-12th grade
Camps Available:
College Prep: Details, the Big Picture & You
College Process: Beyond the Nuts & Bolts
Future Mapping: Redefining Leadership & Planning with Confidence
“Matthew is the best teacher I’ve ever had. 10/10.”
-Jacob M., Student
“As I think back to the past years of support and guidance my adviser has given me, I realize how lucky I am. How I lucked out to be paired up with an adviser who knows what makes me ‘tick’ and who invests time and shows genuine care to nurture me.”
— Aitran D., Student
“Without my advisor’s constant help and dedication during my Foundation semester, I wouldn’t have been as successful in school as I feel I have been. My advisor always put some positivity in my day and reshaped the confidence I have in my academic abilities.”
— Kaleigh A., Student
“Matthew is open to everyone’s ideas and thoughts, and he encourages them. He helps students think for themselves and inspires them to form their own informed opinions. He gets students to reflect and realize they are in control of their own lives.”
— Hannah S., Student