10 Benefits of Learning Pods
Making this School Year a Success
With the 2020-21 academic year fast-approaching, nothing is normal about how students are returning to school. There is immense strain on school administrators, teachers, and parents to know what the best plan for students should be. It’s no secret that our already- strained educational system is in a period of crisis.
Parents across the country are now looking for alternatives to support their kids through this period of ambiguity. The limitations of online education this past spring proved that new approaches are needed to enhance student learning for this fall. As a response, pods have emerged as a model of engaged, cooperative learning. Students need innovative solutions to feel more connected, less overwhelmed, and supported in their learning. Learning pods provide just that.
Pods can take many forms, but generally consist of 2-6 students who are either related or attend the same school. Typically, students are in the same grade and share most of the same courses, but pods can also consist of one or two families with students spanning different grades. Each pod meets in-person or online anywhere from 10-32 hours/week with the support of a private teacher or relative. Each pod is unique, reflecting the educational needs specific to their group of learners.
For parents still considering whether to form a pod, here is a list of 10 pod benefits to consider:
Take Stress off Parents
For all at-home and working parents, the pandemic has placed a lot of stress on caregivers. Pods give parents time and space to focus on their work, knowing their children’s education is in good hands.
Leaves the Teaching to Experts
Even the best parents can be ill-equipped teachers - and who can blame them? Expectations on parents to magically become expert instructors overnight only adds more stress to any already challenging situation. Leaving the teaching to the experts can shift parents focus back to being advocates, partners, and cheerleaders for their children's education.
Predictability & Routine
Put simply, students thrive with structure and routine. Learning pods help families build a schedule that is consistent week after week.
Socialization & Time with Peers
Online learning exposes a real need for students to interact with their peers in a shared physical space. Pods help students continue to grow crucial interpersonal skills, develop more empathy, and hone soft skills.
Small Group Learning
Research shows that students learn best in small groups. A learning pod of 3-6 students can help students gain essential cooperation, teamwork, and communication skills.
Student-Centered Individualized Support
Students are more successful if they have mentors and teachers that show individual care for their learning. Pod learning allows for individualized and holistic learning, treating students as more than just test scores and extracurricular achievements to truly meet them where they are.
Creative Curriculum
A chance to think beyond dry, formulaic curriculum, pods give teachers the ability to be creative with their lessons and tie ideas to issues that actually matter to students today.
Reignites Educational Spark
Pods create a positive learning environment where students are asked to think critically and compassionately. Individualized instruction helps reignite a spark for learning often lost to busy work and rote memorization. Pods are about more than to-do lists and assignments - pods help students feel connected to their learning in even more meaningful ways.
Staying on Track
Recent reports show that many students fell behind academically last spring. Learning pods support students so they don’t fall behind, while also giving them added encouragement and motivation to succeed.
Manages and Mitigates Risk for Sustainable Learning
Though learning pods do not eliminate risk entirely, they are helpful in managing the health and safety of everyone involved. In pods, families determine their own safety precautions to build in-person experiences that offer sustainable ways for students to learn.
There’s a lot to consider when building your pod. At FLOW, we customize all aspects of our pods based on student and family needs. Please contact us to discuss whether pod learning might be the right fit for you and your family. We’re here to help make this school year a success.